Monday, April 11, 2005


It's a nasty day in central Arkansas. Dory woke up whining at about 5:15, so I'll be tired tonight when it's bedtime! She was upset about the storm. We had a lot of lightning, and big-time rain.

What can I tell you about the weekend... not much on Friday. We had planned on going to the Traveler's game, but it didn't work out. Stayed at home. Saturday was errand day. Oh, and of course "weekend coffee day" at our house. On the weekends, we pull out the real coffeemaker rather than the one-cup. What an exciting life.

We also went to Hunter's soccer game. It's always good to see the kiddos! I mowed the front and back yard and filled in some holes (some from Dory, some from chronic erosion stuff). I always feel good after cleaning up the yard. Then, I went to dinner at Bryce and Sunshine's house. They cooked out steaks, and once again I found myself surrounded by surgeons (except for Alex). Molly came bearing multiple bottles of wine - it's a long story. The short version is that it's really hard to keep track of how much you've had in a situation such as this. Virtually impossible. A good time was had by all. Unfortunately, I didn't get any of the ice cream I had made. Hmm. Guess I get to make it again soon.

Saturday night made me realize how important it is to keep up with friends. I have missed out on a LOT in the past few months.

Sunday brunch with Dad, Sara, Mimi, and a friend of Sara's at the Clinton library. It was pretty good food - and I can always feed a hangover. Helped Brooke move some stuff out of storage. I hope the W&D still work.

I had a great conversation with Erica Jensen, I mean "Travis Nolan," last night. She changed her phone number and I didn't know about it. Some guy in Atlanta got a lot of calls from me Saturday night. It's a blizzard in Denver. She survived an interesting bar experience the other night. I wish I could have been there for her first lesbian club! [At least I think it was her first.] We're all getting excited for Sewanee Homecoming 2005.

I am so proud of Erica. She has had a really hard time in the past few months with her residency. Things are getting better, but she has faced a lot of things head-on and with confidence and maturity. This has garnered her quite a bit of respect, but it hasn't been easy.

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