Sunday, June 26, 2005


I'm still trying to get my picture updated. There are all these limitations on it - url has to be less than some number of characters, it has to be less than some number of kilobytes, blah, blah BLAH. So now it's updated on the profile but not on the page - and I hate that first picture I used. I'll continue to work on this. Bear/bare with me.

My favorite blog is Rosie. I try to look at it every day. She posts pictures of her family, too. The website sent about 15,000 mousepads to people who had signed into the blog. Apparently, most of them were mislabeled. Well, an envelope came to our house for some lady named Diane (not the former owner). I was going to mail it back, but Dory made it a part of her routine desktop lunch. Voila - a mousepad was revealed, and I (the intentional recipient) kept it! Hooray.

We're going to a Cards game on July 23rd.
We want to go camping another time this summer/fall.
My call schedule for the entire next year is posted.
Life is plannable again.
I haven't seen my dad's boat yet.
Stuff to do...

I'm on my last intern call. It's E's last intern ER night. Tomorrow, we will sleep off our night together. Then a nice celebratory dinner. With dessert for a job well done. Did I already use the word "Hooray"?

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Keep trying Posted by Hello


I uploaded some pics of some more recent reads. The beach is a great place to devour books. Mom's recommendation was the Bees; all three of us loved it. The short stories have also been a joy. I love reading one before falling asleep, or one after a nap, or one on call, etc. Very digestible.

I'm also reading Karen Armstrong's Battle for God, which was given to me about a year ago. Couldn't download the pic, though. It is a history of fundamentalism, and is actually a good religious history primer for Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. I only took one religion class at Sewanee (in addition to my exposure in the Humanities series), but I'm loving reading books about it more and more.

I've been through several New Yorker magazines lately, and they are always rewarding. The thing is: I'm about to be consumed by radiology texts and journals. I have to cram all this fun stuff in while I can. So I will continue to do just that. And when it comes down to it, I'll probably schedule blocks into my weeks just to read for pleasure. It is my dearest source of sanity.

Signed Book Posted by Hello

Beach Book Posted by Hello

Beach Book Posted by Hello


We still haven't won a softball game. But Tueday was close. After a trip to the batting cage, I'm back to normal and hitting well. Two games this week. I love playing ball! And I have all new socks. I got rid of all my old white ones, and bought 2 packs of new ones at Target. I know, this is not a deal to anyone else. But my OCD absolutely adores looking into a drawer and having 16 pairs of perfectly uniform, clean, fresh socks. And there's NO cotton in them, so I can run and not get blisters. They look so good in my running shoes...


My dream this morning: Erica goes into labor. I am supposed to be working in the ER within the next few hours, so we head to the hospital. I go to the ER, where her program director is waiting for me. He acts like he doesn't know who I am, who Erica is, and why I need time off to go be with her. He's laughing and I can tell he's doing it just to be mean. So I tell him I'm leaving and he can't stop me. And that's what happens. So I get back upstairs, reunited with Erica, where the fetal heart rate monitor AND the uterine monitor look like EKG strips. This is ridiculous. If that weren't enough, they start going into V-tach and all these OB residents are running around trying to push drugs in E's IV. I cause a major scene and tell them that no uterus could ever be in V-tach. I was to my boiling point with frustration, E was getting woozy, and I wouldn't let them touch her. Then I woke up.

Why in the world would I have some stressful dream? I would love to just enjoy a dream for once. But my theory has always been: dreams, at least for me, are just a subconscious opportunity to purge all the fears, doubts, stresses, and (frankly) perversions that I'm not even aware of having. My dreams are so primal. I know that's what mine are about - because I always feel so cleansed and refreshed after a worry dream. We've been so excited about having a baby someday, and I guess there are always some fears and worries when you go on any adventure like that.

Anyway.... I just mowed my yard in 100-degree heat. Actually I did the front yard last night after dinner and the back today. I am drenched. My yard is like a dried up dust field. Then I took the recycling and got gas. At the gas station, I got a Gatorade, M&M's, and Chewy Sprees. Awesome. I just consumed about 70 grams of carbs, and I enjoyed EVERY SINGLE ONE of them.

We had Satellite for breakfast with Alex and Landon. We always go there with them. It was really good, too. But not as good as my candy. Ran into the whole Joheim clan there, and we had just been over to their house last night! What a treat.

Erica only has 2 more nights in the ER. I only have one more intern call. HOORAY for that. I am so tired of sitting up there at St. Vincent watching TV and pronouncing dead people. What a trashy way to live. I am bitter.

You know what, though? I am the luckiest, most blessed person in the world. My life makes me happy every day. Wow. And, really, I've never NOT felt that way.

Monday, June 20, 2005


No one ever told me I have a birthmark on the back of my head. Erica calls it a "storkbite" or something like that. They wait until I'm miles from home and my defenses are down (beer). And they spring it on me like it's no big deal at all. What if you had some totally unsuspected 26-yr-old lesion on your body?? Huh? I'm still not over it.

Conspiracy!  Posted by Hello


I've uploaded pics to my Yahoo! photos page (link to the right). The two folders are "Beach" and "McGehee." We didn't take very many beach pictures because we were too busy being lazy and swimming. In McGehee, we drove by the house where my mom grew up. It's 610 N. 2nd Street, and it was really fun to drive by and listen to her tell us stories. I'll never forget it.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Who knows

It has been a LONG time since I posted, as many of you have pointed out. Who knows why. Well, there was a week-long vacation in there. And now all of my routines are pretty shot. I just needed some time off. Okay, a lot of time.

So what's the update? Not a whole lot. The trip was perfect. Good weather until the last day. Did you know there is a Hard Rock Cafe in Destin? Wow, quite different from the sleepy "Shark Tournament" town of my childhood.

We've just been working since we got back. I'm still loving my May/June rotation with Dr. Beck, but I am definitely tired of all the calls. Erica has 13 ER 12-hr shifts in 14 days, so that explains her life. I ran 3 times last week and am on a new mission to make it a better routine in life. I'm aiming for 3/week and once on the weekend.

Softball continues, but we're short on players. We had to forfeit one game and then had just enough for the next. Any takers?

My mom's uncle is in the hospital, so I've gotten to see my mom, grandmother, and greata-aunt quit a bit lately. The latter two are twin sisters. He had a lung resection for Aspergillus, but apparently they found a malignancy (unexpected). I wish him the best. He always calls me "Frazzle" and is more worried about me than himself when I go see him.

Dad is in Seattle and Canada this week. I had a good Father's Day conversation with him this morning.

I got to spend a lot of time with Katy on Friday, which was soooo much fun. She is a hoot. And she loves the word "hoot." Thanks for being my sister and eating bread for my head! Oh, and for being my future office manager.

I can't wait to see the Arkansas Extreme Makeover. My aunt got to get yelled at by Ty (through the megaphone). I hope she makes the cut!

Radiology graduation dinner was last night. Four years seems like a lifetime. I wish I were at least a year into it. Someday I'll be finished! Wow.

After today, only two more intern calls. Maybe no one will die - that's the thought I have running through my head.

I had a dream this morning that I was taking an English literature essay test from a hard Sewanee professor. Every time I turned the page, it got more difficult and the references more obscure. Arggh, I hate panic dreams! I think I was dreading call.

I only have a few Floriday pics, but will post them when I get to the house tomorrow.

Friday, June 03, 2005


I know you are all on the edge of your seats, anxiously awaiting my trip to Destin. It will be fun for me - and a vicarious dose of fun for all of you. I am on call tonight, so I said goodbye to my dog for an 8-night separation. I gave her many words of wisdom and comfort to help sustain her for the duration. I'm sure it will help her - I'll probably need hospitalization.

Sorry for the lack of photos lately. I can assure you that many will be taken and posted within the next week. Erica and I went to Florida 3 years ago and haven't been on a week-long vacation since. There have been many weekend excursions, but this is a huge deal for us. I know I keep saying that.

Went to the state Medical Board meeting yesterday. It was a huge privilege to get to attend with Dr. Beck. It was very eye-opening. That is NOT a group of people with whom you would like to have a formal meeting. I was amazed at the volume of cases they covered, and I was amazed at some of the transgressions on the part of the physicians. Wow. I will definitely be dotting i's and crossing t's. It also made me remember why it is we all forge on in this profession - to take care of people. We are doctors first; when taking care of patients, every other classification and description is secondary.

Well, the yard is mowed, the bike rack is assembled and in place, the sheets are clean, baby-sitters planned. Just got to remember to get gas in the car. Check ya later.