Sunday, January 03, 2010


I forgot to explain the title of last night's slightly drunken post. I was a pushover yesterday. Ross is a three-year-old and that's not his fault. He gets whiny. It's our fault for being pushovers, and we were guilty yesterday. A few times. After we got home, we were discussing this phenomenon with the babysitter. THEN he stayed up to watch a movie in our room. My head hit the pillow, so I wasn't involved in the movie. Erica stayed up with him. Apparently it was close to midnight. REALLY??

Lots of things to work on today, not the least of which is taking down Christmas. Working on printing some pictures. Grocery. Laundry. It keeps going and going and going. How do people keep heads above water? Is it just me?

1 comment:

Leah said...

Just today I was I ever NOT going to have this huge running to-do list? My desk is covered with sticky notes of random stuff that never gets done. "Anchor grandfather clock to wall." "Reduce wattage in Chan's night light (after reading circadian rhythm/ melatonin research)." "Anchor bookshelves in garage to wall." (I am noticing a theme here.) Anyway, this is in addition to all the "normal" stuff that has to get done. I have NO clue how I would be exopected to do all this AND work 40 hours a week. No clue at all. My hats off to both of you. Love y'all!